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Why pay for traffic? Why not pay only when you make a sale?


Create Positive Change by Acquiring New Customers

You want a new sales channel. Here at Support4Good, we are building that pipeline. The difference is, when people shop your store through our links, nonprofits win too.

Join Now

How it Works

Brands Nonprofits

Your Brand Backed by Nonprofits

  • Add a marketing channel to your portfolio that works to further human and planetary health.
  • When you join, you start receiving customer traffic from our nonprofit network, and from Support4Good.
  • When a referral makes a purchase, you pay us for that new customer, and you get a sale.
  • Nonprofits earn from 5% to 10% per successful referral.
  • You pay an additional 5% transaction fee to Support4Good.
  • Display a trust logo on your site to show you’re a business that gives back to society.

Introduce Your Brand to Fans and Supporters of local NPOs and International NGOs


Travel Purchases


Go to support...


Displaced people in Myanmar


Food Purchases




Ocean Trash Clean Up


Yoga Classes


Going to Support...


Rural Education Programs

Be a part of the solution